Thursday 26 June 2014

Health Tips

Did you know :

Fibre Cereals

Eating high fibre cereals every day is much better.
Soluble fibre protects your heart and lowers your cholesterol by absorbing and removing it from your body so it’s harder for plaque to form in your arteries and clog them.

Eating fibre helps prevent high blood sugar levels, it slows the digestion of food so that the sugar content is released slowly. The body has a steady supply of energy and does not need to produce extra insulin or convert the energy to be stored as fat.
A bowl of breakfast cereal every day increases heart attack survivors’ chances of living longer, claim researchers. They found an increase in dietary fibre – especially cereals – was linked with lower death rates. 
High Fibre Sunshine Cereals

Read more on the on fibre cereals :

Benefits of Cereals to Children

There are so many benefits of Cereals to Kids

Cereals are rich in complex carbohydrates and are an important source of energy. A tasty and energetic way to start your day for kids. 
Breakfast is an important meal for kids. If they don’t eat breakfast, they'll be hungry by mid-morning. Evidence suggest that eating breakfast improves kids’ ability to learn. But as any parent will tell you, it isn’t always easy to get children to eat breakfast before going to school. Fortunately there are so many yummy breakfast,  Sunshine and Universal cereals offer our kids as an alternative to bread & spread or meat-based meals. 
Breakfast cereals were developed as an attempt to create foods that would help regulate the gastrointestinal system. Cereals such as the Raisin Bran, Oat Bran Flakes, Granola Wheat Crunch that are made from wheat and oat flakes that have been processed without removing the bran. That’s why they are in perfect harmony with a balanced diet and healthy life style.

 Breakfast cereals come in so many tastes and shapes that you can never tire of them. And then there are an infinite number of ways to combine breakfast cereals. You can add fresh fruits to your  cereal for those extra vitamins; or you can add milk or yogurt  for that extra bit of calcium in your diet.

Read more on the benefits of cereals to kids :

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Nutritional Facts

Many people think that cereals contain a lot of sugar, fat, calorie and cholesterol and that it is not a balanced meal. 

They are very wrong.

Most cereals contain minimal Sugar under 5 grams per servings and zero Trans Fat and Cholesterol.

Cereal with milk is a leading source of 10 nutrients in children’s  diets— bringing essential vitamins such as A, B6, B12 and D to your breakfast table each morning.

Better still, many of our Sunshine and Universal cereals contain fibre and at least 8 grams of whole grains, an important part of your family’s overall health and well-being. Plus, cereal is also lower in sodium and sugar than many popular breakfast options. In fact, sugar in cereals — including kids cereals — contributes less than 5 percent of daily sugar intake, yet it adds taste, texture and enjoyment that help the consumption of important nutrients.

So with a typically low-fat, cholesterol-free, vitamin-rich serving of delicious  Sunshine and Universal cereal, you can provide your family with a nutritious and happy start to the day. Most of UFL cereals contain 12 essential vitamins and minerals and iron. It has 50 % less fat than other cereals

Click on this link to understand more on cereals nutrition.

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Saturday 21 June 2014

Ingredients of Cereals

Do you know the main ingredients of the cereals made by Universal Foods Limited are corn, corn flour, oats, wheat,malt, rice,soy and sugar.  Some of the cereals also contain various fruits. These include almonds, strawberries, cranberries and raisins.

 More information can be sourced from

Cereals also contain Fibre, Protein,Carbohydrate Vitamins and minerals: iron, niacinamide, thiamine hydrochloride, d-calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid. A tasty and energetic way to start your day.
Click on these links to know more about the ingredients of cereals.